⚡️⚡️⚡️ Creative Mid-weight Web Developer LOCALPERMANENT

Job Description

We’re looking for a smart, enthusiastic web developer with 3+ years experience to work at our studio in Glasgow.

You’ll be a founding member of our digital team as we transition to Craft CMS for the majority of projects — working closely with designers to bring digital experiences to life.

Graphical House is a brand and design consultancy with clients in Scotland and beyond. Recent projects include an ecommerce build for a designer furniture retailer, a content-rich tourist destination website and a digital moodboard tool for a Scottish textile producer.



— Maintain, contribute and adhere to our best practices and documentation
— Build and maintain front-end templates and back-end servers
— Communicate directly with clients to resolve technical issues

Required skills:

— Expert in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
— Creative frontend coding skills
— Ability to write lean, maintainable code
— Experience with Craft CMS and Twig templating (or the desire to learn it)
— The ability to jump in and maintain existing projects quickly
— Workflow automation with Grunt, Gulp or NPM scripts
— Experience working with a version control system (Git)
— An open-minded approach to problem-solving
— A strong eye for design details
— Able to find your way around Sketch and/or Photoshop
— A solid grasp of web standards and accessibility

Nice to have:

— An interest in atomic/functional CSS frameworks (Tachyons, Tailwind etc)
— Knowledge of Shopify theming and store configuration
— An opinionated view on client-side optimisation techniques
— Devops experience (buzzwords might include Linode, Ubuntu, Nginx, Laravel Forge etc)


— A friendly, open and collaborative workplace
— Quality time with our office dog, Logan
— Company pension plan
— Many kinds of tea and biscuits

How to Apply

If you’re interested, please send your CV and portfolio (or GitHub profile) to [email protected].

You should include links to at least 3 live projects, and for bonus points... a no-holds-barred technical critique of our own website.

Notes: Salary and terms are negotiable. No recruiters please. Remote is not an option for this position due to the way we work.

Contact Info

  • Location: Glasgow, UK
  • Email Address: email hidden; JavaScript is required
  Posted December 21, 2017