So, what do I call myself, exactly? On any given day, you can find me writing frontend code, designing a website. laying out a booklet, art directing a photoshoot, directing a freelance designer or even editing a video. However, my passion is bridging the gap between design and code by crafting simple, engaging web experiences for a wide array of clients.
Langrand's clients work in complex industries with challenges that are seldom straightforward and often confidential. Using a think tank approach that fuses strategy, branding and design, they partner with companies to find solutions that are forward-looking, business-sound and human-centered. I was tasked with developing a CraftCMS site that enabled them to tell their stories. Case study here:
Focused on younger investors, Scout Asset Management was founded to modernize the aging, hands-off advisor relationship to one that’s by your side every step of the way. I managed the entire project, coordinating with a writer, art directing and delegating brand identity to a brand designer and designing and developing the website myself.